Sunday, 17 July 2016


Hi Readers,

This post is being written on my last day in Aberdeen, which makes me both sad about leaving and so excited for what's to come. In case you didn't know, I moved here last August to start college, three and a half hours away from home. It was a completely new start for me and a chance to get away from a lot of unhealthy habits, people and lifestyle choices, which I touched on in an earlier post (you can read that here). 

Studying has always been something that I loved and it has felt so good to be doing it again, and finally getting towards where I want to be. However, I am leaving Aberdeen because I got a place at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh, where I'm going to study psychology and I could not be more excited! 

I just wanted to use my post this week as a kind of reflection, and show you some of the amazing memories I've made during my time here.


Pictured above is Kerry, Carl and myself. I lived with Kerry for two weeks before my lease in my own flat began and she showed me such a good time here when I didn't know anyone in the city or the city itself. Our first night together we got blackout drunk and spent our first full day together on the sofa in our pajamas surrounded by junk food. Luckily, she moved to Edinburgh so I can't wait to go and do some more drinking with her in a month's time! 

This is Fay, my best friend here in Aberdeen. I've never experienced feeling so close to someone you haven't known for very long at all, and feeling like you've known them your whole life. The first day I met her she followed me to Starbucks for lunch, hardly speaking and acting completely innocent. Since then we've become the best of friends and the innocent picture has completely vanished! The nights out and adventures I have had with this girl have left me with some of my favourite memories, and have made me laugh harder than I knew I could! If there's one thing I could take with me to Edinburgh it'd be Fay. (Also very excited about getting your leaving gift tomorrow ;)) If I ever need to talk to someone about relationships, work, college, friends or anything it's Fay, even though she once made me go to an afterparty at the other side of the city and made us all walk back drunk at 5am with no idea where we were going..

Let's not forget all the amazing people I met during my time at college (sorry you're not all in this photo!). This group, although we only had a couple of nights out together during my time here) have been an absolute barrel of laughs and have kept me sane through times of extreme stress! Going to miss these guys a bunch. 


Life Lessons

Living here has also taught me so much about how to live. 

First of all, I am now aware of how to better manage my money as a result of living by myself. If I want to eat all month, maybe another night out has to be put on hold. If I really want that make up, I'm going to have to put some money aside for next month. Budgeting isn't something you really have to do (unless you want to) when you're at home living with your parents, especially in a small town where there's not a lot to spend money on. It's a valuable life lesson and I'm glad I've (almost) mastered it. 

Secondly, I can confidently say I can cook now. I even purchased my first ever recipe book while living here (Cravings by Chrissy Teigan). 

Thirdly, and maybe most importantly, I've learned how to make friends. Moving to a city where you don't know anyone really forces you to speak to strangers, whether it's people you work with, go to college with, meet on a night out, etc. This also works wonders for things like your confidence and your judgement of other people. I can honestly say that because of being around not-so-good people in the past, I have met no one I wouldn't want to stay in contact with whilst living here in Aberdeen. Making friends also led me to get out and do stuff - nights out, museums, the fair (excited for the Waltzers tomorrow, Fay!) and long walks. It's really helped me get to know my peers and colleagues and become friends with them, as well as helping me know the city better. 


The Last Day

Aberdeen has been an incredible place to live (even though it's ridiculously expensive!). Living here has completely refreshed me and I feel truly like me again, the me I want to be. I'm more at peace with myself than I have ever felt in terms of being self-conscious about the way I look, about how I come across to other people and myself and I have a year of being in a new place with new people to thank for that. 

I will never take this year for granted, and I know I'll be back to visit. Aberdeen, it's been a blast!

Thank you for reading this post and as always you can find me on;
Facebook - jess.massie.73
Twitter - @jessmassie_
Instagram - @jessicamassie_
Snapchat - jessmassie 

1 comment:

  1. Nice, I enjoyed reading this and also am glad I made it here .. lol. It was amazing meeting you too and I know we definitely gonna come across each other some time in life again.. Stay in touch and I wish you all the best in Uni xx
