Hi Readers,
I have to apologise again for missing last week's post, I was back at home staying with my parents for the week and had so many people to see that I didn't find the time to write and upload (I should have been more organised and scheduled something!). I also want to apologise for this week's post being late again, I've just finished working over 18 hours over the last two days so all I've basically done is work and sleep.
Nevertheless, I'm here now and this week I want to discuss Fitbit. I've been using the Fitbit Alta for just under a week now and it is slowly changing my life. My mum bought this to keep track of her exercise, but since her routine is fairly regular she knew after one use roughly how much she was walking, calories she was burning and what she was eating. When I went home last week we were discussing how it was noticeable that I had gained weight around my middle and on my face, so I decided to try out her Fitbit.
My first impression when I saw the Fitbit advert a few months ago was that it was an overpriced branded pedometer. I was so wrong! If you put a lot into the app, you get a lot out of it, Fitbit is an amazing investment that is working wonders for me in my battle with healthy living and weight loss.
First of all, I'm not a gym person. In the gym I feel paranoid, I get bored really quickly and I hate how much like exercise the whole ordeal feels (for example, I could swim for hours and not feel like I'd been exercising, or walk along the beach and not feel like I'd just done a workout). Fitbit helps me keep track of how many steps I'm doing in a day though, so I know that I'm at least doing the minimum amount of exercise I should be. I realise now how much more than what I was doing before it takes to reach 10,000 steps a day and keeping an eye on the number keeps me motivated and aware of how much I need to do.
Secondly, Fitbit helps me keep track of how much I'm putting into my body compared to how much is being burned off. I use the app to record everything I eat so that I get an idea of the calories I'm eating. This was something that never even entered my head before and I'd just eat whatever I felt like. Now I feel guilty when I have to add on a bar of chocolate, whereas before I'd have no problem tackling a family size bag of Maltesers to myself.
It's easy to say that all it takes to become healthy or lose weight is to eat less and exercise more, but I always find this more difficult when put into practice. I don't own bathroom scales because I don't want to become obsessed with the amount I weigh - being healthy on the inside is much more important to me than being skinny, or only weighing 9st. I don't go to the gym. I don't think it would be mentally healthy for me to join a club like Slimming World. Fitbit is my own way of seeing progress as it happens. Since it takes a while to be able to see results, it's good to have an app with graphs where you can see how well you're doing. It's also really motivational when you see that you've reached 10,000 steps, or when you get a virtual medal to say that you've walked the same distance as a marathon in the last couple of days. This is what works for me, and why after almost a week I haven't given up on walking, swimming, tracking what I eat and being determined to reach 10,000 steps a day. Fitbit is really helping me become healthier and although they're quite expensive, if you struggle with weight loss and healthy eating and are prepared to put a lot into the app, I can guarantee you'll get a lot out of it!
Thank you for reading, I hope this was a useful post! My heart this week belongs to the tragedy that was the biggest mass shooting in modern US history. #WeAreOrlando.
As always you can find me on;
Facebook - jess.massie.73
Twitter - @jessmassie_
Instagram - @jessicamassie_
Snapchat - jessmassie
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