Hi Readers,
I have another book review for you guys today, which some of you may find a bit dull but I absolutely love reading and I love hearing other people's opinions about the same books I've read. I also want to document all the books I read this year so that I can remember how they made me feel and pick out which ones will be worth a re-read in the future.
This week I'm talking about Looking For Alaska by John Green. John Green is one of my favourite YouTubers and quickly became one of my favourite authors the minute I started reading The Fault In Our Stars. He is an author who never fails to amaze me with how utterly beautiful he writes. Looking For Alaska is the third book I've read by him, and due to how massive he is now I went into the book with a 'this is so generic and probably not as good as the hype' attitude, but boy I was wrong.
Within the the first five minutes of this book I was hooked with how quirky and interesting the characters were and completely lost my bad attitude towards it. The characters are so well written and developed I felt like I was part of their group, I could have easily been sitting in the Smoking Hole with them all.
This book also has such a beautiful and potent story that shocks the reader and stays with you long after the book ends. It will make you laugh, gasp and cry, alongside making you feel unbelievably hurt and lost.
It was also the 11 year anniversary of the book being published a couple of weeks ago, so it is kind of fitting that I upload this post now.
I can't put this book into one single category, but if you are a fan of decent writing, amazing characters and a story that has the ability to leave you more heartbroken than your worst break-up, this is a book you need to read!
I hope you enjoyed this review, and as always you can find me in the following places;
Facebook - jess.massie.73
Twitter - @jessmassie_
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