Hi Readers,
I want to start this post by saying that by no means is this blog popular enough to receive massive amounts of hateful comments (or even comments for that matter!) but regardless I felt this was important to write about.
For me, this blog is a way to let out my creative side. I tried youtube in the past but found myself embarrassed hearing my voice, and didn't have the money to sustain the type of channel I would hope to have, a reason why I still don't pursue youtube. This blog allows me to write about anything I feel like, as well as take photos and compose posts and edit the way my blog looks in a creative way, a way that I want to do it and is a good outlet and way for me to reflect on experiences and things I learn.
As my main creative outlet, it took a lot for me to share my blog at first. I was nervous about sharing my opinions, photos and creativity with people who I knew as well as strangers. I didn't often talk about things I was going to write about with the friends who are close to me and I did the bare minimum to promote my blog.
But soon after sharing my blog proudly, promoting it with language that makes me sound proud of and pleased with my blog (which I am), I started to embrace the fact that there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I am using my time wisely, sharing opinions, art, and writing and I put a lot of work into it. Why wouldn't I want to scream about my new posts from the rooftops?
Regardless of this, a few comments made their way to me. Granted most of these were meant as jokes, but as someone who struggled with the idea of sharing personal stories and opinions with people, the comments stuck.
This annoys me for one main reason - no one should ever feel embarrassed about their creativity. In current society there are so many clones, we are constantly fed the same information, follow the same trends and consume the same products. Creativity is what makes us individual and stand out from one another, and it's important for the world that people show off their art, writing and music. It also takes a lot for people to put themselves out there and degrading comments can suppress this and add to god-knows what other personal issues that person might be facing.
Another thing I've noticed, at least in my case, is that the people who make these comments are people that take no time in their day to do anything out-of-the-blue or creative. They do the same things day in day out and spend no time doing anything creative.
I am inspired by those who are also creating, not by those who make jokes about something I love to do. The point of this rant is never let anyone dampen your creativity, your hobbies, your opinions or the things you love. If it matters to you, then it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks. Support each other and be proud of what you're doing.
Thanks for reading, see you next week. As always you can find me on;
Facebook // jess.massie.73
Twitter // @jessmassie_
Instagram // @jessicamassie_
Snapchat // jessmassie
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