I apologise for not having updated my blog in almost two months but I have been busy with a number of different things, and truthfully was experiencing serious writer's block.
I thought I'd just talk about what I got up to in December in general and share a few pictures, mainly so I can look back and remember a very happy month, sorry if you find this boring but it's also a chance for me to create a post that's a bit more personal!
To start with, I want to share how proud I am of myself and how far I have come in terms of being in the kitchen. Probably my favourite meal that my mum could possibly cook me is Mince & Tatties (potatoes, if you're not Scottish!) and I realised I'd gone just too long without them, so I gave it a bash and it turned out amazing. I have also perfected my fry-ups, which were always pretty good, but are spot-on now. My only downfall, as you may be able to tell, is portion sizes!
December 17th also saw me turn 20 years old! This is something that absolutely terrifies me because I have never been good at coping with how fast life seems to move and how quickly things can change. However, I had an incredible night out with a friend who turned 18 on the same day! We went to a popular Aberdeen club, called Nox and drank far too much!
The weekend after my birthday involved a lovely visit from my parents. We enjoyed an afternoon shopping, a huge plate of fish and chips for dinner and then headed out to the AECC to watch Texas, one of my parents' favourite bands. They were absolutely incredible and if you ever get the chance, I would totally recommend going to see them live. They create an amazing atmosphere and have a ridiculous amount of energy on stage, as well as ridiculous amounts of musical talent.
This brings us to my trip home for Christmas, which was just lovely. I went out with a group of old friends on Christmas Eve and got very merry, but completely enjoyed catching up with everyone.
Then came New Year's Eve, or Hogmanay in Scotland. This involved the same friends in the same pub as on Christmas Eve but was an even better night. Seeing so many friends and family truly did make the 3 and a half hour trip back to the Borders completely worth it!
I hope your December was as drunken, hilarious and happy as mine was, and I hope everything goes your way in 2016! Thanks for reading!
As always, you can follow me at;
Facebook - jess.massie.73
Instagram - @jessicamassie_
Snapchat - jessmassie
Twitter - @jessmassie
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