Hi Readers,
Today I want to discuss the hit Netflix show 'Thirteen Reasons Why.' I'm sure you've already watched it, or at least heard of it because everyone and their dog's are talking about it just now. Just a heads up that this post contains no series spoilers, but will outline the basic plot. Trigger warning: the post may also contain some content that may upset or affect some people.
Based on the novel by Jay Asher of the same name, Thirteen Reasons Why is about a girl named Hannah Baker who commits suicide, and leaves a series of recorded tapes to her colleagues, friends, love-interests and classmates who she claims led her to her death.
Personally, I loved the show and I wish I'd known about the book before I'd watched it. The story is fantastic and the characters are so loveable, relatable and easy to watch. Absolutely incredible acting. The show is the perfect amount of dark, mixed with that slightly-too-cheesy high school theme. The story is so gripping you will not be able to stop watching, and I think I made it through the whole thing in about a week. My only criticism of the show is that it left me with a lot more questions than it did answers (ALEX??!?!?).
Now let's get into the nitty-gritty. Why has everyone been talking about this show? The series has been gaining a lot of traction and controversy in the media due to the idea that it glamourises suicide, sexual abuse and mental health issues. This, I would have to disagree with. I understand that the show might be exceptionally hard to watch for some people, and possibly triggering to those who have maybe attempted suicide, thought about committing suicide, have experienced some kind of sexual abuse or suffer from mental health issues, but just because a lot of people are watching it does not mean that the suicide in the show is being glamourised. For one, Hannah Baker doesn't kill herself and is then put on a pedestal by the whole high school - a lot of the people who receive her tapes dislike her and call her a liar for what she says and how she effectively blames them for her killing herself. Also, the scene where she commits suicide is incredibly hard to watch, to the point where I felt myself having to look away. This does not make suicide look fun and glamourous. It is real, it is slow, it is painful.

I also like that the show makes people think. I do not for one second hold the belief that suicide is 'selfish' or a 'coward's way out', but Thirteen Reasons Why was really good at making you think about the impact you leave on the world, without even knowing it. So many people were affected by Hannah Baker's suicide, and it'd be the same for all of us - whether we know it or not.
Lastly, I'm glad this show is getting people talking about this - suicide, sexual assault and mental health issues are a huge part of our society unfortunately, and I'm glad to see a show convey the effects of them in an honest way. This stuff shouldn't be easy to watch, and it needs to be talked about in order to make a change. According to
Rape Crisis, a
pproximately 85,000 women and 12,000 men are raped in England and Wales alone every year; that's roughly 11 rapes (of adults alone) every hour. However, only 15% of those who experience some kind of sexual violence choose to report it to the police. Shows like this are going
to change that and that's why it is a good thing that so many people watched the show, and that's why it's important that shows like this are made in the first place.
Now, one thing I will say about the show is that I don't agree with Hannah Baker's tape method. It was incredibly mean and a little hypocritical, if you ask me. It was also incredibly unfair that she didn't leave her parents any kind of explanation. However, I will say that if you're at the point of suicide, because people have driven you there, I can totally understand why someone would do what she did - if you truly don't care about life anymore, you're not going to care about hurting someone's feelings. Also, the show is still a means of entertainment, despite all the messages it sends, and the tape plot makes it much more interesting as a show.
In all I think the show was so great because it was so honest. It was honest about high school, and the lack of support for mental health (and preventing suicides before they actually happen), it was honest about suicide itself, honest about the effects of suicide on the people left behind, honest about sexual abuse and 'locker room talk' amongst young men in schools and colleges who are rapists, and honest in the fact that these things need to change.
So thats my ten cents on Thirteen Reasons Why, I hope you enjoyed this post. The last thing I want to say is fuck Courtney, she didn't deserve to breathe the same air as Hannah Baker.
If you're struggling with mental health issues, problems at home, suicidal thoughts, sexual assault, etc., you can call the Samaritans on 116 123. Their website is also full of information.
Thank you for reading, you are not alone.
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